Hello, I am

Supun Jayaweera

I'm a Computer Engineering student who is
passionate in

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About Me

I'm a creative and determined undergraduate who thrives on meeting deadlines. My enthusiasm lies in crafting engaging Web & Mobile Applications and Data science. Additionally, I am proficient in both MERN, ASP.NET and Flutter technologies.

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My Skills

Programing Languages

HTML logo C Programing
CSS logo C++
Node Js logo C#
React Js logo Java
Figma logo Python
Figma logo dart

Data Science Technologies

Postgresql logo Anaconda
Postgresql logo Jupyter Notebook
MongoDB logo Google Colab


CSS logo CSS
Node Js logo Javascript
React Js logo React Js
Figma logo Flutter
Figma logo Blazor


Python logo ASP.NET Core
Java logo Spring Boot
NodeJS logo NodeJS


Postgresql logo SQlite
Postgresql logo MS SQL Server
MongoDB logo MongoDB Atlas
MongoDB logo Firebase
My SQL logo My SQL


Git logo Git
GitHub logo GitHub
VS Code logo VS Code
Blender logo Visual Studio
Wireshark logo Azure
Wireshark logo AWS
Android Studio logo Android Studio
Davinci Resolve logo Premiere Pro

My Projects

Desktop Application

This is the third-semester project. Here WPF, C# and XMAL is used as technologies. Unit testing is done using x-unit with fluent assertions.

Python logo C#
Python logo SQlite

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Music Streaming Web App

This music-streaming web app is built on the strong MERN stack MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. With smooth CRUD operations.

Python logo Node
Python logo React
Python logo Mongo

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E-Learning Quiz App

This is a E-Learning App,providing time-bound-quizzes,study materials,Google and email sign-in, and light/dark mode options.

ReactJS logo Flutter
MongoDB logo Dart
MongoDB logo Firebase

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Consolebase Project

This is the third-semester project in the GUI programming module. Here C# is used to develop this Console Application.

ReactJS logo C#

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E-Comerce Web Application

This is an onging project. In this project my main role is to develop the backend and the frontend of the E-commerce web application using ASP.NET Core Blazor and Deploy it into Azure Cloud.

ReactJS logo C#
Blazor logo Blazor
SQL logo MsSQL
Azure logo Azure

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Advertisement Click Prediction

Created an ML model, and the dataset is trained by Logistic Regression and Decision Tree ML Algorithms, compared the performance of two algorithms, and included in a Project Paper.

Python logo Python
Python logo Anaconda
Python logo Jupyter Notebook

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Contact Me

Get in Touch

  • +94771794347
  • jayaweeraspn@gmail.com
  • No 61/12, 6th Pope Paul Mawatha, Negombo, Sri Lanka